
I have included some testimonials from patients who have had some very nice success while on my program. The purpose of these testimonials is to show you the range of heath improvement your body is capable of no matter the symptom or length of time you have had the issue.

You have been given an amazing human body. Somewhere along the way your body has been challenged one way or another and has become stuck, stagnant or is declining in its ability to self correct. This results in symptoms and sometimes causes a downward health spiral. The methods I've been trained in identifies your barriers to healing. Once these barriers are discovered, I use concentrated organic whole food supplements to remove these barriers and support the body's healing systems. The testimonials below are a result of this wonderful method.  

Prior to talking to Dr. Mark I always felt tired, light headed (brain fog), bloated and gassy. I thought "I take my vitamins (not on a regular basis) they made me nauseated. I tried taking them with a meal then just before bed, but nothing worked. I was seeing Dr. Mark for back issues and decided to ask about his line of vitamins. I figured he would ask me what I take and give me a substitute - boy was I wrong! I was physically tested, submit my eating habits (which I thought I would pass with flying colors) fruits, vegetables, pasta, chicken, fish - wrong again. My percent of carbs was too high. Very unbalanced.

Now, after taking the vitamins needed for my body - I went from taking about 10 pills 3x a day to 5 pills 1x a day, changed my diet, lost weight, lost body fat - I have more energy now then I did 30 years ago. I also sleep through the night - which I haven't done since I had my son 31 years ago. Thank you Dr. Mark I never felt better!

Rose P.

I was not sleeping well at all at night. I Could fall asleep, but after a short time would wake up and stay awake for hours until finally falling asleep again.

WOW! What a difference. I try to go to sleep the same time every night. I stay sleeping, usually through the entire night. Even if I wake up, I fall back to sleep. Great improvement.

Doreen I.

My fingers on both hands were locking which caused much discomfort. It would last for a minute or two and happen on a daily basis throughout the day. I also had bad cramping in my legs. My legs were causing me pain especially when I was lying down. I started taking  whole food supplements recommended by Dr. Mark. Both conditions dramatically improved after a few days. I continued to decrease the amount of each supplement.

Now, I occasionally experience each of these problems, but it is so much better!

Rose L.


I was having sharp pains in my lower abdomen, frequent urge to go to the bathroom and wasn't feeling empty after urinating. Plus, I was dealing with a pretty bad sore throat that  made swallowing difficult. I was just getting over bronchitis so I was nervous it hadn't gone away.

After muscle testing we figured out that I had a metal in my system attacking my prostate and my tonsils weren't draining correctly. I was prescribed a few different supplements and all the symptoms subsided within days. No more urge to suddenly urinate and the pains were completely gone. My sore throat was gone in 2 days and I just felt more clear.

Michael D.

Before:  Overall I was feeling fine except I had severe night sweats for the past 2 years.

After:    Within 2 days of being on the new supplement program, my night sweats improved significantly - virtually disappeared!

Maria A.

I had a lot of trouble going to the bathroom regularly. I also often experienced stomach pains and cramps due to gastritis. My knees and hips often hurt and ached as well.

I now go to the bathroom regularly! This has been something very difficult to achieve in the past- however after only one week it significantly improved. My stomach pains are also occurring a lot less frequently. I also feel relief in my knees and hips! Fixing one thing has helped fix so many other issues.

Update: Now all my stomach pains are gone and no more hip pain.

Sabrina L.

My name is Jessica and I am 13 years old. For six months prior to coming to Dr. Mark, I suffered from debilitating chronic headaches. My headaches never went away and ranged from a 5 (typical migraine headache) to a 10 (blurred vision and the inability to lift my head off of my pillow). I missed an average of 2-3 days of school per week and the school district wanted me to be placed on home teaching. The headaches also affected my performance in sports. I play softball year round and at the time I was also on the school volleyball team.

When my headaches began, I went to Stony Brook Hospital through the emergency room twice because the pain was so bad, I couldn't see clearly, and my blood pressure was very high due to the pain. The ER doctor prescribed high doses of Motrin.

Over the course of the following four months, I was seen by a neurologist, rheumatologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, and pediatrician. I underwent an MRI, MRA, full blood panels, several sonograms and a spinal tap. Besides Motrin, I was prescribed Maxalt and Sumatriptan, for my headaches and Propanolol 40mg (high blood pressure medication).

Soon, I was experiencing severe pain in my stomach. I was losing weight and was unable to eat much of anything. I went to see a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopy and found out that I had peptic ulcers that were most likely caused by the Mortin. He prescribed Aciphex.

I was always tired from the blood pressure medication and the headaches did not get better. By the fifth month, I was in the emergency room of Cohen's Children's Hospital. I was admitted and underwent a CAT scan. After being seen by the neurological group, I was given anti-seizure medication and magnesium intravenously for three days and they raised the dosage of my high blood pressure medication to 120mg. I went home on a Saturday and by Sunday night, my headache was worse than ever. I couldn't lift my head up. I missed school again.

At work, my mother's friend Barbara told her about Dr. Mark and we came to see him. He examined me and asked my mother if anyone had ever done a neck x-ray. My mother told him that they didn't and he sent me for one. That night, Dr. Mark called and told us that I had a reverse curvature of my neck and it was affecting my spinal cord. I started coming to Dr. Mark three times a week and began feeling better immediately.

It has been two months that I have been coming to Dr. Mark. My headaches are now very mild and I have not missed anymore school. I feel better than  I have in a year. I play softball seven days a week on two different teams, and I am no longer tired and depressed all of the time. I am also off of all of the medication that were prescribed to me.

I am very grateful to Dr. Mark for making me better and giving me back my life. All of the specialists that we saw said that the cause of my headaches were "unexplained" and kept giving me more and more medication. I don't know where I would be now if we never came to Dr. Mark -probably home- tired and depressed, unable to go to school, parties, the movies, and worst of all unable to play softball.

Thank you Dr. Mark for everything!

I have known Dr. Mark for many years. My last problem was when I fell in January or February this year (2012). I was having trouble walking for about 2 weeks and the pain was getting worse. I went to an orthopedic doctor because I was in a lot of pain. He diagnosed me with bursitis and gave me Celebrex to ease the pain, but that didn't work for me. I told Dr. Mark that the medicine didn't work. He used NRT on me to determine what my body needed. I told him lets give it a try. I took it for a few days and the pain stopped completely. I had an MRI and found out I tore a ligament in my hip. I went back to the orthopedic doctor and he couldn't believe I was out of pain so quickly and sent me to physical therapy. The therapy helped heal the injury but the supplement Cataplex ACP stopped the pain and I haven't had a problem with that leg since. Because of Gods help and Dr. Mark my leg has healed completely.


I am Fran, a 68 year old female who is a 22 year veteran retired school bus driver. As a driver I greeted each child, Good Morning, then looked at their faces. They had snotty noses and coughs and walked on the bus. I always thought my stuffed head and running nose was because of my occupation. But after your nutrition testing you discovered what my issues were and it was not my sinuses. My body wasn't doing the job it needed to do. And I thank you.

My nasal problem started I don't know how long ago. I always had tissues with me. But in January 2015 it escalated. We own a condo in Florida that we didn't go down to use in 6 years because my mom moved in with us. I loaned it out to friends and I realized the AC wasn't on. My neighbor checked on it and told us the AC was off and sent us pictures of all the mold that developed. We went down there to deal with the mold. I started with a cold on the way down there and it became a full blow stuffed head. We used straight bleach on the mold. I couldn't smell the bleach! I was on a mission to get it cleaned.

We came back to Long Island and immediately went straight to my doctor of 25 years. She has always said it was allergies. I had all the over counter products available to man. Went back after three weeks and still can't breathe through my nose plus I can't taste a thing. I'm not crying over onions.

She recommends a ear nose throat doctor. I get an appointment for three weeks later. I enter the office like a sloth snorting, eyes watering. He sprays my nose and I got air. Hooray! He gives me a medication. Prednisone works so does the Cillian. Go back three weeks but in between he prescribes a CAT scan. I'm still not breathing. The CT scan shows I have a hole in my sinus. He gave me the same medication again. It clears up in 6 days. The nasal test shows I have strep throat. He changed the medication because he said he gave me the wrong one. I took the new one for 10 days, but that didn't work. He suggests an allergist. I get an appointment three weeks down the road. I am a breathing dragon by now. He gives me a battery of tests and they are all negative. Then they come back with two more injections and this was going to tell me everything. Well negative. I have been treated for allergies for years. I'm digusted. He says at my age its not allergies, it's the environment. Well hello World! I walk 3-5 miles every day. I left there depressed and still not breathing and I still cannot taste a thing. My thoughts are I'll never smell my blooming gardens. Then my neighbors, Kevin and Gina told me about you. You were the Miracle Doctor. I could use a miracle MD because I sure have used a bunch of losers.

The NRT testing procedure you performed was a challenge and I enjoyed feeling better. It only took weeks! I read your material after my weekly sessions. You got rid of my sugar cravings. I am eating protein daily as you suggested and I haven't had gluten which must have been a big issue for me. Thank you AGAIN!

Thank you for all you have done in a few short weeks. I can breathe normally. I am improving daily and loving my life. I have a calming energy already. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much.

Ps. I can't brag about you enough and thanks for helping me sleep. Before I slept 4-5 hours interrupted. Now I sleep 7-9 and sometimes 10 solidly. Thanks again.

Fran C.

Update: 4 years later I'm still breathing normally- no issues, ever.

A year ago I was diagnosed with osteopenia in my left hip (DXA result -2.2) and osteoporosis in my lower spine (DXA result -2.5). I sought out an Endocrinologist who had suggested that I take care of my low bone density through diet and exercise and return in one year for a follow-up Bone Density Scan (DXA). The Endocrinologist did not offer instructions of how to live a different life style and told me that if my DXA score worsened, I would have to go to on Bisphosphonates: Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Zoledronic Acid (Reclast or Zometa), which I discovered have horrible side effects. I felt lost, scared, and did not know which direction to take.

I was fortunate to get a call from Dr. Mark Castiglione, who suggested that I come in and talk about my condition. At the time, I did not know Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) existed, but was introduced to it during my first appointment. Dr. Castiglione did various NRT tests to determine the underlying causes that contributed to my low bone density and suggested a plan through Standard Process Supplements and diet for overall optimum health and to achieve what I was told to be impossible - grow bone.

To be honest, I did have my doubts. I read several books regarding osteoporosis and was told by my specialists how difficult, if not impossible, it is to build bone. Despite my doubts, I continued the path of diet, exercise, and supplements. I felt that even if I did not gain bone, at least I would be healthier.

From the start Dr. Castiglione's program, I started to feel healthier. I slept better at night, woke up refreshed, and started to have an overall healthy feeling. The healthier I felt, the more excited I became about NRT an am thrilled that I started this journey and stuck with it for the last year. Through the guidance I received from Dr. Castiglione with NRT therapy, I actually had an improvement in my bone density. The bone density in my left hip is now -2.1 versus -2.2 a year ago, and my lower spine is stable. I am amazed at the result, and amazed that I actually grew bone in my hip. A year ago I was told that my bone density would likely continue to worsen and there was a great chance that I would be on  medication.

I am a firm believer that I could not have improved without the guidance of Dr. Mark Castiglione and Nutritional Response Therapy. Dr. Castiglione is a talented practitioner, who I believe, will continue to restore my body back to health.

Maureen R.

In 2012 short after my daughter was born I was diagnosed with Lupus. I saw several doctors and had taken a numerous amount of medication to help eliminate my symptoms. At first the medication helped my symptoms go away and I started to feel like my old self again. What I didn't know was that it was ruining my insides, and I would pay for it in the long run. In 2013, I began having stomach issues and lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. I started seeing a gastroenterologist and had to get a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy came back negative and they prescribed me more medicine to cover up my symptoms. After being on 8 different medications at once, I decided I needed to take control over my life. I was 28 years old and I was having so many health issues. I couldn't enjoy life and my family.

In 2014, I started seeing Dr. Mark Castiglione hoping he can help me with my Lupus and digestive issues. After speaking with him at my first session and seeing how passionate and determined he was to help me, I started to get hope back into my life. In the beginning I saw Dr. Mark weekly for a few months and took many different supplements to help what was already damaged by the medications I was on. Dr. Mark advised me to start keeping a food log that I shared with him at my weekly sessions. He helped me become aware of what foods triggered my symptoms and what foods actually helped me. After a few months I started to feel a huge difference in my health. I had more energy, my lupus was under control, and I was able to come off most of my medications. The amount of supplements I take have drastically lowered over the last year and a half.

I currently see Dr. Mark once a month to check and make sure everything is going okay. He has truly made a huge difference in my life. He has helped me change my nutrition, health and outlook on life. I am now able to enjoy my family, friends, and live the life I thought was no longer possible. I am so grateful for all that he has done for me and all that he continues to do for me. Without his help my life would have been very limited and for that I am forever grateful.

Christina F.

I highly recommend this Standard Process Program in coordination with visits to Dr. Mark. I was generally not feeling well. My blood pressure was high, my LDL cholesterol was elevated and I had become pre-diabetic. In addition, I had excessive weight to lose and my mood and energy levels were low. I was well overdue to start eating a more healthy diet. I thought that this 10 Day program would serve as a jump start to my intent to adopt a more nutritious diet in the future and it has.

This 10 Day Program which served to clean out toxins in my system as well as get me started on track with better food choices has certainly been beneficial. My blood pressure readings have reduced significantly. So far, my LDL cholesterol has been reduced by 5.7% (This is equivalent to a reduction by medication). My moods are more even and my energy has improved.

It has become second nature to select green and other vegetables, protein, healthy grains and organic dairy products. This is not a diet in the sense that the primary goal is weight loss. However, in my case, I have lost about 30 pounds over ten months and enjoy a better quality of life.

As I met with Dr. Mark each month, he would coach me by suggesting certain tweaks for my diet such as "more water" or "make sure to get sufficient protein" and include healthy fats. When I reached a plateau and was ready to address my exercise program, it was suggested that I try Burst Training (4  minutes a day - 3 times a week). After adding the use of the Xiser, I lost 7 pounds in four weeks and another 6 pounds in four weeks. I have lost fat mostly in my trunk and legs and only a small bit of my weight loss has been water weight. The statistics that Dr. Mark consults for by Body Composition Analysis have all sown improvement.

I am continuing to follow the Post Program recommendations. Good nutrition and whole food supplements are paving the path to my overall health improvement. Dr. Mark is a knowledgeable, caring and considerate health practitioner. I was referred to him for supplements as an outcome of my conversations with his also caring brother, Dr. Ralph, during my regular chiropractic visits.

I am very thankful that I chose to pursue this wellness path with Dr. Mark.

Diane H.

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